428 INDEX Embassies to, ibid. ; Navarette's travels, 133 ; Jesuits' overland journeys, 136; their survey and map, 139-40; Clipperton in, 199 ; Anson in, 202, 203; French trading voyages to, 205 ; voyages to N.W. Americafrom, 279, 280; (see Great WaU) China Strait, Torres at, 74; De Prado's chart of, ibid. Chinese Calendar, refonn of, 132 Chinese Empire, Jesuit survey and map of, 139-40 Chipewyan, Eort, founded, 338; Mackenzie returns to, 340 Chipewyans, Hearne joined by, 334; Henry and others in country of, 336 Chiquitos of Central S. America, 178; Spanish missions to, 359; search for route to, ibid. Chiriguanas of Paraguay, 178, 359 Chirikof, Alexei, Bering's colleague, ¦ 259, 261; commands St Peter, 266; reaches American coast and returns, ibid. Chirikof Bay, N.W. America, 274 Chitaingof, mate with Bering, 267 Chittagong, Pyrard at, 59 Choiseul Island, Solomons (q.v.), 223 Chonos, of Chiloe Island, Frezier on, 206 Chosan, Korea, Broughton at, 300 Christian IV of Denmark, patron of voyages, 40; Christian VII, ditto, 405 Christian, Fletcher, leader of mutiny on Bounty, 311 Christianaux Lake, of Hendry, not Winnipeg, 330; (see Cristinaux) Christmas Island, Indian Ocean, Minors's and Dampier's visits, 191 ; Anson sights, 203 Christmas Island, Pacific, Cook at, 247 Chronometer, Vancouver's longitudes by, 287 Chugatsk Bay, Alaska, 270; (see Prince William Sound) Chukches, N.E. Siberia, first heard of, 120; visited by Ignatief, 121; Cook visits, 251 ; Shestakof's fatal fight with, 260; Paulutzki's ex¬ pedition to, 261; Billings opposed by, 271 Chukutskoi-nos, N.E. Siberia, 132, 261 Chumbalyk, shown in Herberstein's map, 119 Chumbi valley, Tibet, 379 Chunchos of Peru, 176 Churchill River, Canada, 41; fort near mouth, 332; reached by Frobishers and Henry, 336; Fidler's map, 344 Churchill, 414 Cinque Ports, 196 Circumcision, Cape, discovered by Bouvet, 307; Cook's search for, 336, 238, 244 ; not identical with Prince Edward Islands, 237 ; Furneaux's search for, 244 Circumnavigators, see Chapters viii, IX, passim Claaszoon, Haevick, his voyage to Australia, 79 Clairaut, geodetic measurement by, 369 11. Clarence Strait, N.W. America, 294 Clark, George Rogers, march north of Ohio by, 349 Clavius, Jesuit mathematician, 132 Clavus, Claudius, early map of the North by, 15 Clear Lake, Canada, 336 Clearwater River, Canada, 336 Gierke, Charles, second in command with Cook, 245; assumes chief command, 253 ; attempt to pene¬ trate Arctic Ocean, and death, 254 Gierke's Island, Bering Sea, 252 Cleveland Bay, E. Australia, 232 Clipperton, Captain, leaves Dampier and crosses Pacific, 197 ; new voy¬ age, 198; return and death, 199 Clove, voyage to Japan, 57 Cloven Cliff, Spitsbergen, 403 Coal, in Tasmania, 317 Coburg peninsula, N. Australia, 209 Cochin China, Pere de Rhodes's labours in, 66, 67 Cocking, Matthew, journey on Sas¬ katchewan by, 331 Cocks, Richard, factor in Japan, 57 Cocomas tribe, Peru, 175 Cocos Islands, discovered, 78; Tasman sails for, 93 ; [see Kokos) Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Dampier misses, 191 Cod, Cape, 98, 103 Coen, Jans Pieterszoon, Dutch Gover¬ nor in East, 53, 78 Coetivi, Chev. de, his voyage to East Indies, 324